Covid-hit good causes set for boost with contactless donation giveaway


UK hospital, church and charity fundraisers hit hard by Covid-19 and a latest lockdown have the opportunity to scoop a contactless ‘donation station’ thanks to developers behind the technology.

The Donation Station systems, which usually cost around £1,000 each, can be delivered in time to empower more Christmas donations this year and into 2021.

Sheffield company Good With Devices (GWD) is making the giveaway possible through its website at

Donation Stations are touchscreen, contactless donation boxes. Before the pandemic hit, Bristol Museums reported a 50% rise in funds raised from visitors thanks to introducing Donation Stations.

Up to five of the devices are to be made freely available by the company each month from now. All fees and card payment charges which usually accompany the devices’ use and add up to around £25 a month, will also be waived or covered by GWD for three months.

The giveaway comes as the tech firm, which also develops self-service technology for commercial clients across the world, has continued to find its services in demand despite the pandemic – experiencing higher business growth than had been anticipated.

GWD director Marek Narkiewicz said they were on course to sell 100 of the devices this year, which exceeded projections alongside other flourishing aspects of business. But the team had also developed a determination to help charities and support groups who may be now unexpectedly short of funds.

“We want to help them at this difficult time, especially as they plan for Christmas and into the new year,” he said.

“Even in lockdown, we know how resilient and hard-working a wide range of organisations are – sometimes particularly those at a community, grass-roots, level.

“They may be frontline charities now fulfilling client needs from behind the scenes, churches meeting online while also allowing private prayer or food banks finding a way to feed the people who need their support most.

“The statistics around the level of cutbacks organisations have had to make are shocking and we wanted to do something practical and worthwhile rather than just paying lip service to helping.

“Even before the pandemic hit, people have been using cash less often, and this saw donations dwindle. People can now make contactless donations by bank card or mobile payment, easily on a smart touchscreen.

“When venues, charity centres and places of worship are able to stay open, or to open their doors again after this second lockdown, contactless donation is more key than ever.

“And if a prolonged national or regional lockdown delays our technology being of use, we can delay delivery to maximise use rather than it sitting in a cupboard.”

*To find out more about the giveaway and see all terms and conditions, interested groups should head to the GWD website give away page: