
Three quick tips for pre-recorded TV news interviews

Three quick tips for pre-recorded TV news interviews

Three quick tips for pre-recorded TV news interviews Face to face TV interviews for news or magazine programmes are still happening, now with social distancing measures in place and strict adherence to current guidelines on avoiding the spread of Covid-19. Or they may be conducted over a video conferencing platform like Zoom. This week we’ve been working with clients to arrange TV interviews for: BBC ITV Channel 4 Local TV West Midlands There’s lots of advice about how to prepare for interviews and how to conduct them available online. Here are three quick practical tips we’ve been sharing with clients […]

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Content Marketing

Have you heard of newsjacking?

Have you heard of newsjacking? This is an effective PR tool. The term was invented by marketing expert David Meerman Scott. Put simply, in publicity terms, it can mean adapting a current news agenda to initiate compelling media coverage ideas on behalf of you, your business or your PR client. For me, there are three crucial elements: 1. The ‘weight’ of the story – and how you write it What I mean is – is your story really worth telling? If your ‘newsjacking’ story is too commercial or of narrow interest then it won’t work. You have to be tough on

Have you heard of newsjacking? Read More »